Monday, February 2, 2009

First I took observations of Fuzzy’s Taco Shop on Wednesday night around 8:00pm. When I first arrived, there were only 14 people there, all were eating meals. The music was low, and the atmosphere was calm. There was soccer on the TV, but nobody was really watching. People were engaging in quiet conversation. Around 8:30, 2 representatives from the Michelob Beer Company came in and gave samples out of the Michelob light 64 beer in plastic cups, also offering free cozies to anyone who bought the beer that night. One table took the plastic cups and began playing “flip cup” buying a new beer after every round, and receiving a number of free cozies. Around 9:00pm the restaurant started to get more crowded with college students coming for drinks. People began buying songs on the jukebox and the music started to get louder. The table playing flip cup started to talk really loud, which caused everyone in the restaurant to speak louder. By the time we left, Fuzzy’s was packed with college students who all knew each other for the most part, drinking, eating, and being loud!


  1. I liked how you used the time difference to distinguish the change in atmosphere. I wonder what Fuzzy's would be like on a different night besides Wed.? Also what would the atmoshphere of it be like on a weekend night or even at a weekday lunch? Did the people all seem to be having a good time? I might look and see what the workers at Fuzzy's contribute to the environment and what kind of tone they set for the space. The most interesting thing for me was the beer company coming in and promoting their new product. This could be a good time to talk about WHY that beer company would come to Fuzzy's. Is it because it is full of college kids (potential new customers)? Were there older people there too? How about families? What do you think Fuzzy's contributes to the TCU campus?
    I also think the fact that you are participating could give you some good insight and perspective.

  2. First of all, the most interesting thing on your observation was how you chose the wonderful location of FUZZYS! I loved how detailed and observant you were and how long you stayed to watch the crowd get larger and larger-- timing totally makes a difference! You could include more physical objects in Fuzzy's such as the grill, bathrooms, areas of seating (outside vs inside)and the new beer freezer which is their new focal point. Also, you could include the different age group of people at the different times...which you kind of did. I mean, who knows the old folks could be out at 2am! Love love love how you picked such a TCU Hot Spot! I noticed how you used the time trend in your observation which allowed you to get detailed! Yea Kristen!
